Find the Best Policies With an Experienced Team
Does your business own any means of transportation or commercial vehicles? If so, it’s important to make sure they are covered under a commercial auto insurance policy. At Omega Insurance, we work tirelessly to find the best policies for your vehicles so that you stay safe and your assets are covered and up to code. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your company’s biggest assets — your vehicles.

Why Work With Omega Insurance Agency?
- We help you access world-class insurance policies
- We find coverage that meets your needs
- We have more than 25 years of combined experience
- We offer affordable prices on every policy
- We stick with you to make sure your coverage meets your long-term needs
With Commercial Auto Insurance, You Can Get Coverage For:
Company Cars
Transport Vans
Construction Trucks
And More!
What Does Commercial Auto Insurance Cover?
Your commercial auto insurance policy from Omega Insurance typically includes the same things you may see on a personal auto insurance policy. Liability coverage, medical payments, uninsured motorist coverage, and comprehensive and collision coverage are most popular for commercial auto insurance policies. You may find, however, additional coverage like towing and labor, rental reimbursement, and lease gap coverage. At Omega Insurance, we find a policy that best suits the needs of your company and your vehicles. Call us today to get a quote for your commercial auto coverage.
Do I Need Commercial Auto Coverage?
Do you regularly use your car for work? If so, you may need a commercial auto policy. If you only use your car for commuting, you won’t need commercial coverage. It is likely that you’ll need coverage if you:
- Drive for cash
- Log high mileage for work
- Transport items for work
- Transport clients to and from various locations
- Drive to multiple work sites

Get an Affordable Insurance Policy for Your Commercial Vehicles
If you think you may need a commercial auto insurance policy to keep you, your business, and your assets protected, it’s time to call our team at Omega Insurance to get started. We’ll do the heavy lifting when it comes to finding the best policy to fit your coverage needs. Get in touch with us today to find out if a commercial auto policy is right for you.